Here It Is!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Just in time for Christmas -- your very own copy of Sauciness!  Yes kiddos, it's true, my book is finally done and ready to be shipped to your doorstep.  I'm already getting recognized when I go out to stores and whatnot... it's very overwhelming.

Ok, so I did get "recognized" when I went to Toys-R-Us this morning (for an insanely fast and frustrating Christmas shopping spree for the kids.  I used to think I liked Christmas shopping, then I went to Toys-R-Us on a Saturday in December.) As the checkout girl was trying to remember where she'd seen me, Ted prompted her with "she's a famous food blogger, cookbook author.... maybe that's where you've seen her?"  Her response brought me right back down to earth:  "No, that's not it, but I know I've seen you somewhere.  Do you work at a salon?"  So much for fame!

So anyway, you want to get your oven mitts on a copy of my book, and you're wondering how.  It'll be live on in a couple of weeks, but it's live NOW at the following safe, secure, easy Createspace link (where we also get a better royalty percentage:)  Go, and buy to your hearts content!

Saucily yours,